
The Science of healthy pre-conception + Garbhasanskar Garbhavidnyan teaches us the practices and methods during the pre-conception period for the ideal progeny. Everything a couple does before conception can affect the progeny. Garbhavidnyan guides a couple to take the right steps during the pre-conception period to positively impact the quality of their progeny.

Why is it important

The most crucial part of conception is it's planning. New parents often overlook this much needed preparation period. Taking the right steps ensure:

  • Healing and purification of the ovum and sperm.

  • A positive attitude and good health of the child.

  • Strong connection between mother and unborn baby.

  • Prevention of inheriting underlying hereditary diseases.

What we do

Encouraging the implementation of garbhavidnyan has many long term benefits on the child and the mother even after birth. There are a certain number of steps one must follow to be physically and mentally ready to bear a child. Here are a few elements of garbhavidnyan we prioritize:

  • Physical cleansing- Before conception is crucial for the future parents to be physical prepared. This process consists of detoxing the body of all impurities through proper diet planning, Panchakarma, and specific toxin cleansing herbs.
  • Daily schedule planning - Ayurveda has propagated the countless benefits of yoga and meditation. During pregnancy, our experts guide you through the practices of Pranayama to help maintain a balanced and relaxed state of mind, ideal for both mother and child.
  • Mental & Spiritual guidance- While preparing for a pregnancy developing a strong mental state along with having an active spiritual consciousness is needed for extra-ordinary results. Through different practices and measures our experts guide future parents develop these conditions.
  • Herbal support-Ayurvedic solutions naturally improves/quickens the process of conception. Our experts recommend herbs and medication that would improve the ability to conceive.